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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Plan For Success - Global II

Plan for Success: Mr. Amico                   Social Studies                      Room 343

Integrated Arts and Technology School @ Franklin
In order to be successful in Mr. Amico’s Social Studies class, I will:
1.    Be respectful to everyone in class on a daily basis.
2.    Be on time daily.
3.    Be prepared for class daily.
4.    Be polite daily.
5.    Complete all assignments daily to the best of my ability.
If these expectations are violated, consequences shall include:
1.    Phone call home/parent – teacher conference.
2.    Referral to the Administration.
I agree to these terms to be a successful student in Mr. Amico’s class.


_________________________                            __________________________
(Student/Date)                                                                     (Parent/Guardian/Date)

Mr. Amico

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