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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Grading criteria:  Global History                             2019 - 2020

Mr. Amico                                       

IATHS @ Franklin

A+ 95 – 100%                                           Keep this section for
A   90 – 94%                                             your records.
B+ 85 – 89%
B   80 – 84%
C+ 75 – 79%
C   70 – 74%
D   65 – 69%
F   64% and below.

·        Two Global projects are also required for course completion. It will involve research in areas of Global History that we will study. Details forthcoming.
·        Class work and homework must be completed consistently
·        Tests will count two times a regular grade.
·        Late class work and homework will be deducted one letter grade each day it is overdue.
·        Extra credit work is always welcome.
·        A notebook is required. It will be graded frequently.
·        The final NY State Global Regents’ exam will be in in June 2020.

Please sign below and clip--------------------------------------------------

I have read the grade criteria and will do my best to succeed in this course through fulfilling the above requirements.

Student signature________________________ Date_________
Parent/Guardian signature __________________Date________

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