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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Grading criteria:  Global History                             2019 - 2020

Mr. Amico                                       

IATHS @ Franklin

A+ 95 – 100%                                           Keep this section for
A   90 – 94%                                             your records.
B+ 85 – 89%
B   80 – 84%
C+ 75 – 79%
C   70 – 74%
D   65 – 69%
F   64% and below.

·        Two Global projects are also required for course completion. It will involve research in areas of Global History that we will study. Details forthcoming.
·        Class work and homework must be completed consistently
·        Tests will count two times a regular grade.
·        Late class work and homework will be deducted one letter grade each day it is overdue.
·        Extra credit work is always welcome.
·        A notebook is required. It will be graded frequently.
·        The final NY State Global Regents’ exam will be in in June 2020.

Please sign below and clip--------------------------------------------------

I have read the grade criteria and will do my best to succeed in this course through fulfilling the above requirements.

Student signature________________________ Date_________
Parent/Guardian signature __________________Date________

Global II Course Syllabus Amico

Global History and Geography II

Grade:          10th Grade

Credit:  One

Pre-Requisite:  Successful Completion of Global I

Course Description

Study of World History and Geography from the era of the absolute monarchs up to the present day.  All areas of the world will be studied at the same time during a particular time period.  There is an in-depth study of world cultures along with an emphasis on writing the development of concepts. 

Final Assessment

New York State Regents Exam in Global History
                                   Format:   Approx. 25 M/C Questions
                                                   Stimuli Based Questions
                                                   Enduring Issues Essay

Course Textbook

World History-  Patterns of Interaction
McDougal Littell
ISBN:  0-618-18774-X

Website Resources:

Plan For Success - Global II

Plan for Success: Mr. Amico                   Social Studies                      Room 343

Integrated Arts and Technology School @ Franklin
In order to be successful in Mr. Amico’s Social Studies class, I will:
1.    Be respectful to everyone in class on a daily basis.
2.    Be on time daily.
3.    Be prepared for class daily.
4.    Be polite daily.
5.    Complete all assignments daily to the best of my ability.
If these expectations are violated, consequences shall include:
1.    Phone call home/parent – teacher conference.
2.    Referral to the Administration.
I agree to these terms to be a successful student in Mr. Amico’s class.


_________________________                            __________________________
(Student/Date)                                                                     (Parent/Guardian/Date)

Mr. Amico

Thursday, June 6, 2019

NY Assembly Member Harry Bronson (D - Rochester)

Go to: Harry Bronson

1. Go down to 'Recent News' and write 5 facts about what Assembly Member Bronson has been involved in.

2. Please answer the questions on your speaker sheet for his visit on Monday, June 10.


Monday, April 29, 2019

How Many People Are Leaving NY State?

This we week we will be looking at where you may be living after graduation.

Please go to: NY Population Loss 

Write down 5 facts about how many people are leaving NY state and why the they are leaving.

Next, study the map below. The areas in blue show population growth. What areas of our nation are growing?

Are you planning on leaving Rochester? Where do you plan on moving to and why?


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

How To Balance A Checkbook

Today we will look at how to balance your checkbook.

Go to: How to Balance a Checkbook


1. What is a checkbook register? List the six columns one would contain and describe them.

2. Identify what a bounced check is and why it is a 'no - no'. 

3. List the common mistakes when keeping a checkbook.

4. What must you do when you receive your monthly statement?


Friday, April 12, 2019

How To Write A Check

This week we will be looking at financial skills.

Today we will look at how to write a check.

Go to: How To Write A Check

A. List the steps on how to write a check.

B. Write one fact about each.

C. Do you have a checking account yet? When do plan on opening one up?


Monday, April 8, 2019

Dealing With Workplace Discrimination

This week, we will be discussing what do if you face discrimination at your job.

Go to: Dealing With Discrimination

List the seven pieces of advice and write two facts about each.

If you ever faced a situation in which you face discrimination, how would you deal with it?


Thursday, April 4, 2019

NY Sales Tax Facts

Today we will look at NY state sales taxes on food, goods and beverages.

Go to: Taxable and Exempt Food 

A. List the three conditions for food to be exempt from NY sales tax.

B. List the five foods and beverages that are NOT  exempt from NY sales tax.

C. Go to the listings below and write down 10 EXEMPT  foods and beverages and 10 TAXABLE items.

D. Go to Sales Tax in NY Counties and write down the total NY state and county sales tax in Monroe and Ontario Counties.

E. Go to NY State Clothing and Footwear Tax and write down what that tax policy is in NY state. CHECK YOUR RECEIPT AFTER YOUR PURCHASE!!!!

What is your opinion about these taxes? 


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

What are Taxes Pt. I

We will be taking a look at taxes and how they will affect your finances in the next few days.

Please go to: 9 Tips for Students for Filing Taxes on how to file taxes. 

Please go to: Tax Tips for Students and watch the video.

*Please write down the 9 tips. 
*Please write down 4 facts from the video. 

Do you plan on filing taxes this year? Why are you going to file? 


Thursday, March 28, 2019

Career Interest Survey Results

Based on the survey results, please write 5 facts about 3 careers that interest you. 

Why did you select these careers? 

Which one do you plan to pursue and why?

Go to: Career Interest Assessment and answer the questions. 


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

McDonald's - Would You Eat There Now?

Based on what you saw in 'The Founder', why would you continue to order products at McDonald's? 

Why would not want to eat at McDonald's ever again?? 

Write a page explaining your answers.


Thursday, March 21, 2019

Hamburger University - Mcdonald's

Please go to: Hamburger University

Write down 5 facts about this educational institution. 

Is this a career that you would consider? 

Why do you think people choose to attend Hamburger University? 


Monday, March 11, 2019

5 Mistakes College Students Make With Credit Cards

Please go to: 5 Mistakes College Students Make With Credit Cards

List the 5 mistakes. For each mistake, write 2 facts.

How do you plan on avoiding these mistakes when you get your credit card?


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

30 Highest Paying Jobs in NY State

Please go to: 30 Highest Paying Jobs New York State 2019

Please list 7 of the highest paying jobs with the:

 * Average annual salary. 

Number of people employed in NY State.

* Job description.

Next, write down three of the occupations that you may be interested in and explain why.


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

ECO - Scarcity

Please click on: Coping With Scarcity

1. Define/explain: SCARCITY.

2. Write 5 facts from the article that explain what scarcity is and how to cope with it.

3. Recall a time when there was something that you wanted to either use or buy and it wasn't there. How did you deal with that episode of scarcity?


Sunday, February 10, 2019

ECO - Chris Gardner (The Real Chris!)

Please click on: Chris Gardner Media

1. Please select any option and write down 5 facts about  what Chris Gardner either did in the past or what he does today. 

2. Based on your findings, what are three questions that you would ask Mr. Gardner if you met him today?


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

ECO - Needs and Wants

Please click on: Needs and Wants

1. Using the article, define both a need and a want.

2. Use the link in the article to take the quiz. Record your 

3. List two of your needs and two of your wants. How do 
    they both fall into each category?


Tuesday, February 5, 2019

ECO - Opportunity Cost

Please click on: Opportunity Cost

Please write 5 facts about what an opportunity cost is.

List three instances in your life in which you had to make a trade - off. 

What were the results?