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Thursday, November 13, 2014

PIG Period 5 - Final Project. Please read this over. Select a topic and type why you have selected it. DUE: Today.

Participation in Government                                                                                   Mr. Amico

Due: Monday, January 12, 2015

Worth: A test grade (counts two times)


As citizens, we need to be aware of the current events that are occurring at the local, state, national, and international levels. Below are some current events that have occurred since the beginning of the school year:


  • The Conflict in Syria/Iraq/Islamic State
  • The Ebola Virus Epidemic
  • The 2014 Election (Congress, NY State)
  • Illegal Immigration/Amnesty for Illegals
  • Crime/Public Safety in the City of Rochester

* You are not limited to these suggestions.


Your task:

1.)   Select ONE current event topic. You have a choice of:

a.     Making a poster or DVD of the topic.

b.     Making a PowerPoint Presentation of 30 slides that clearly explains the issue.

c.     Writing a standard four - page typewritten report on your topic

* Also, you are not limited to these suggestions.

2.)   Important: Be creative and imaginative. Use your talents!



Warning: You will receive a zero for a project that is not in by Monday, January 12, 2015. If you are absent that day, bring in a valid excuse the next day you report back to school. Failure to provide an excuse means a ZERO, no matter how “great” the project may be.



Dear Parent/Guardian: Please sign and clip this slip and have your child return it to me by Monday, December 1, 2014.


I have reviewed the directions for this project with my child and will encourage him/her to put forth their best effort into this task.


Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________________________

Date: _________________________


Student Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________



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