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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

AP Human Geography Project - Terrorism

AP Human  Geography
Project #3

For this project, you will need to do some independent research and draw conclusions based on your own beliefs and opinions.
Part One:  What is terrorism?

For this part of the project, you will need to write a short essay answering the above question. This part should not only be a definition of the term “terrorism” but should also include your own opinion on the subject. How would you define terrorism in your own words? What are some characteristics of terrorism? What are some characteristics of a terrorist? Can you think of any terrorist attacks? Are there any acceptable forms of terrorism? Do you think everyone has the same definition of terrorism? Is terrorism inevitable? These are just examples of the types of questions you can address in this portion of the project. You are not limited to these. (½-1 page typed)

Part Two: Research

(a) You will choose a terrorist organization from the list below:

Aum Shinrikyo
Sendero Luminoso (“The Shining Light”)
PKK (“Kurdistan Workers’ Party”)

(b) Gather the following information about the group you chose:

i) General information (where are they located, how many members, etc.)
ii) One act of terrorism they committed. For this part, try to limit your use of sites like Wikipedia. Good sources to try are news websites (,,, etc.) What did the group do? Where did the act take place? Who was involved? Why did the group do what they did? How were the places involved impacted? What are the two opposing sides of the conflict?
iii)  How would you have reacted if you were on the organizations side? How would you have reacted if you were on the opposing side?

(c) You will come across a lot of words you will not know the definition of. Write down these words and hand them in.

Part Three: Reflection

For the final portion of the project, you will write a final reflection taking into consideration all the information you have gathered. Has your definition of terrorism changed at all? How? Why do you think your opinion has changed? Which side of this conflict do you agree with and why? What did the opposing side do that you especially disagreed with? Would you have reacted similarly? Differently? What would you have done differently? Do you think the outcome would have been different? (7-15 sentences)

**Extra Credit**
(a) Define all of the vocab words from Part Two C.
(b) Create a PowerPoint presentation.

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