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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Career Interest Survey Results

Based on the survey results, please write 5 facts about 3 careers that interest you. 

Why did you select these careers? 

Which one do you plan to pursue and why?

Go to: Career Interest Assessment and answer the questions. 


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

McDonald's - Would You Eat There Now?

Based on what you saw in 'The Founder', why would you continue to order products at McDonald's? 

Why would not want to eat at McDonald's ever again?? 

Write a page explaining your answers.


Thursday, March 21, 2019

Hamburger University - Mcdonald's

Please go to: Hamburger University

Write down 5 facts about this educational institution. 

Is this a career that you would consider? 

Why do you think people choose to attend Hamburger University? 


Monday, March 11, 2019

5 Mistakes College Students Make With Credit Cards

Please go to: 5 Mistakes College Students Make With Credit Cards

List the 5 mistakes. For each mistake, write 2 facts.

How do you plan on avoiding these mistakes when you get your credit card?


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

30 Highest Paying Jobs in NY State

Please go to: 30 Highest Paying Jobs New York State 2019

Please list 7 of the highest paying jobs with the:

 * Average annual salary. 

Number of people employed in NY State.

* Job description.

Next, write down three of the occupations that you may be interested in and explain why.