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Sunday, November 25, 2018

PIG - Jury Duty in Monroe County

Please go to: NY Juror Information

This week we will be looking at your responsibility to serve as a juror on a court case.

Select 7 questions from the list. Construct a Powerpoint that shows the answers to the questions. 

ANSWER: Based on what you read, what is your opinion of the jury system? What are you going to do WHEN you are called to serve on a jury?


Monday, November 19, 2018

PIG - 'Black Friday'

Will you be participating in 'Black Friday' shopping over the upcoming break?

1. Explain why or why not. Go to: 'Black Friday' Stuff for assistance with your answer.

2. Do you prefer online shopping or going to the actual store when you shop? Give three reasons for your preference.

3. Where does the moniker 'black Friday' come from? (plus 50 bonus!!!!)

Friday, November 16, 2018

PIG - Rochester Current Events

Go to: Incident #1 Incident #2 Incident #3

Write 5 facts about each incident. 

What is your opinion about these crimes happening in Rochester? What could have prevented them?

Thursday, November 15, 2018

US History - Industrial Revolution in the USA

Please go to: Industrial Revolution: Child Labor

Construct a 15 - slide Power point with captions that shows how the Industrial Revolution affected children in the USA.

Next, write your opinion and reaction to the images and why you think these children were working at such a young age.


Thursday, November 8, 2018

PIG - Current Events 11/08/18

Please go to: and California Bar Shooting Article #2 and Video - California Massacre

Please write 10 facts about this incident.


1. What do you think the motive for this crime was?

2. How could have this crime been prevented?

3. If you were present at this location during the incident, how would have you reacted? 


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

PIG - Election Results & Jury Duty

1. Go to: NY & Monroe County Results 2018

Who won the races for NY state and Monroe County?
How do you think these politicians will serve us? 

2. Go to: House of Representatives Results
How do you think the Democrats will govern?

3. Go to: US Senate Results 2018
How do you think the Republicans will govern? 

4. Write down what you know about JURY DUTY.


Monday, November 5, 2018

PIG - Local Election Races 2018

1. Please go to: NY - 25 Congressional Race

Please list the two candidates for this race to represent Monroe County and their positions on the issues. Who would you vote for and why?

2. Please go to: NY Governor's Race 2018

Please list the two candidates and their standing in the current polls. Who would you vote for and why?