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Friday, March 31, 2017

ID Theft Prevention

Prevent Identity Theft

Take steps to protect yourself from identity theft:
  • Secure your social security number (SSN). Don’t carry your social security card in your wallet or write your number on your checks. Only give out your SSN when absolutely necessary.
  • Don’t respond to unsolicited requests for personal information (your name, birthdate, social security number, or bank account number) by phone, mail, or online. 
  • Watch out for “shoulder surfers.” Shield the keypad when typing your passwords on computers and at ATMs. 
  • Collect mail promptly. Ask the post office to put your mail on hold when you are away from home for several days. 
  • Pay attention to your billing cycles. If bills or financial statements are late, contact the sender.
  • Review your receipts. Promptly compare receipts with account statements. Watch for unauthorized transactions.
  • Shred receipts, credit offers, account statements, and expired cards, to prevent “dumpster divers” from getting your personal information.
  • Store personal information in a safe place at home and at work.
  • Install firewalls and virus-detection software on your home computer.
  • Create complex passwords that identity thieves cannot guess easily. Change your passwords if a company that you do business with has a breach of its databases
  • Order your credit report once a year and review to be certain that it doesn't include accounts that you have not opened. Check it more frequently if you suspect someone has gained access to your account information.
* Please copy 5 of these suggestions.

* What steps will you take to prevent someone from stealing your identity?

* Do you know someone who was a victim of identity theft? How did they resolve the issue?


Friday, March 24, 2017



Several components of the Act addressed underage applicants in general and college students in particular.
Campus marketing: Credit card marketing teams can no longer appear on college campuses to offer giveaways in order to solicit credit card applications. This applies to off-campus college-sponsored events, too.
Mailing offers: The Credit CARD Act also prohibits credit card companies from mailing offers to prospective customers under the age of 21, unless they specifically "opt in" to receive those materials.
Ability to pay: Credit card companies have to consider an applicant's ability to repay before approving a new credit card, curtailing the practice of issuing cards in order to collect late fees and other charges (and, of course, targeting students). The act also restricts fees on low-balance cards sold to cardholders with bad credit.
Underage cardholders: The Credit CARD Act prohibits lenders from issuing new credit cards to Americans under the age of 21 unless that applicant finds an adult co-signer capable of paying off a new credit line. Also included is a provision that credit bureaus can no longer supply reports on Americans under age 21 without parental consent.

1. Please write 5 facts and your opinion about the CARD ACT of 2009. How does this affect you?

2. Please list which social media sites are the best ones to use and why. (+200)

Please type up all work and hand in by the end of  class today.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Hon. John C. Ninfo II - C.A.R.E.

Please go to: CARE Program Judge Ninfo and view this video also: Judge Ninfo

Please write 5 facts about the CARE program and what the Judge is speaking about.

Please write down three questions that you would like to ask Judge Ninfo tomorrow.

Please type the paper and hand in by the end of the period today.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Wind Storm 2017 or $500 Check

Today, you have two options:

1. Answer the questions below on the Great Wind Storm of 2017 in Rochester, NY:

A. How did the storm impact you, your family or friends directly?

B. How much did the storm cost you in terms of time and money?

C. How well were you prepared for a natural disaster such as this and what would you do differently for the next one?

2. Go to: $500 Check

A. Write down three facts from the article. Why do you think people value their cell phones so much?

B. What are three concrete steps that you can take to prevent this situation from happening to you?

You may type up your work for an extra 20 points. If you complete both options, you will get 2 100%'s for each. Good luck!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Why You Should Carry Cash

Please go to: Carry Cash

Please write 5 reasons why it is recommended that people carry cash on them.

Why do you think it may be a bad or a good idea to carry cash?