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Friday, February 26, 2016

Global II & ECO Communism in North Korea

Go to: North Korea: Images of Communism

Please construct a 15 - slide Power point with images and captions that shows how people live in communist North Korea today.

Slide 15: Is this a location you would like to live in and why?

E - Mail all work to: when you finish today. 

Image result for north korea images


Friday, February 12, 2016

Global II 1945

Please construct a 15 - slide Power point with captions that shows the world in 1945.

Send all work to when you finish.

Go to: 1945 Images 1 and 1945 Images 2

Image result for 1945 images

ECO - Saving Money

Go to: Saving Money

For each slide, type 2 facts from each.

Which recommendation which will you start following and why?


Image result for saving money

Friday, February 5, 2016

Global II Hiroshima, Japan Images August, 1945

Go to: Hiroshima, Japan

Please construct a 15 - slide Power point with captions that shows the images of Hiroshima, Japan after the atomic bomb was dropped.

Slide #15 must answer: Why would have the US been justified in dropping the bomb on Hiroshima? What is your opinion of this incident?

Please e - mail all work to today.

Image result for hiroshima images



ECO Taxes and Filing the 1040EZ Form

Go to: IRS 1040EZ Tax Form

Download the form and print it out.

If you have a job, have your W - 2 form and fill in this form.

Please write five facts about what you see on the form.
Who would you have assist you in filling this form out?

Print out all work and turn in by the end of the day today.

 IRS Logo