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Friday, December 23, 2016

Final Project

Please answer the questions below about the final project for PIG.

1. When is the project due?

2. What current events topic did you decide to research?

3. Explain why you selected this topic.

4. Which format did you select to complete your project?

5. Why did you select that format?

6. Do you plan on presenting your topic for extra credit to the class? If no, why not? If yes, why?

The answers to these questions are due TODAY.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Electoral College

Please click on the link below:

Electoral College

Please write 5 facts and your opinion about how the Electors get their jobs to elect our President of the United States.

Answer: Would you like to be an Elector and why?


Please work on your final project when you finish this.

Friday, December 9, 2016

US Supreme Court Justices

Please go to the link below and write three facts about each US Supreme Court Justice.

Supreme Court Justices

Would you want to be a Justice on this Court? Why or Why not?


Please work on your final project when you finish the assignment above.

Friday, December 2, 2016

PIG Community Service Update Assignment

Write down how many hours you have completed for PIG.

Where have you completed your hours?

What have you learned from your experience thus far?


Please work on your final project when you finish the assignment. DUE: 1/10/17

Saturday, November 26, 2016

PIG Final Project Due January 10, 2017

A. Please select a topic that you would like to research for your final project.

B. Select the format of your final project.

C. Answer: 

   1. Why did you choose the topic and your format? 

   2. What knowledge do you think you will gain by researching your topic?

   3. Do you plan on presenting your project to the class   upon completion for extra credit? If yes, how will you present it?

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The US Congress

The US Congress is known as the people's branch of government. We are going to be studying the US Congress.

1. Please write down all of the qualifications to serve in the US House and US Senate. Go to:
Qualifications to Serve in Congress

2. Please write down 5 facts about the duties of Congress. Go to:
Duties of Congress

3. Answer: Would you want to serve in the US Congress? Why or why not?

Friday, November 4, 2016

Election 2016

Please answer the following questions. This will be in a short answer format. You must answer all questions.

1. What is your personal opinion of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as the major party 2016 Presidential candidates?

2. How do you think that, if elected, Clinton or Trump will make America a better place for all?

3.How has the US Presidential election made a direct impact on your life as a student and a citizen/resident of the United States?

4. Which candidate do you think will win the US Presidential election tomorrow (November 8) and why?


Friday, October 28, 2016

American Political Parties

Please select 2 issues from each political party and write 5 facts about them.





Green Party


Monday, October 24, 2016

Monroe County NY Clerk Race - Cheryl Rozzi and Adam Bello

1. Please choose one issue: Write 5 facts and your opinion about each candidate listed below for Monroe County clerk (Directs the County department responsible for issuing licenses, maintaining vital statistics, registration of voters and conducting elections. ... Responsible for arranging for employees to tabulate votes and the election night procedures.):

Cheryl Rozzi

Adam Bello - County Clerk

2. Please watch the news clip below about the two candidates and write 5 factual sentences about what the candidates discussed:

Rozzi - Bello Debate

3. Answer: Which candidate do you think will win the Nov. 8th election and why?

DUE:TODAY! (Written and/or typed.)

Friday, October 14, 2016

NY Congressional Races - 2016

Please click on the link on each Congressional candidate below.

Choose one issue and write 5 facts about their position on  it.

What is your opinion on the issue? Which candidate would you vote for and why?

Write or type your work on a Word document to turn in.

25th Congressional District Race (Monroe County/Rochester):

Rep. Louise Slaughter (D - Fairport)

Gates Supervisor Mark Assini (R - Gates)

US Senate (New York):

US Sen. Chuck Schumer (D - Brooklyn)

Wendy Long (R - Manhattan)

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Third Party Presidential Candidates

For each Presidential Candidate below, please click on the link and write 5 facts about their position on ONE issue.

Next, please write your opinion as to whether or not you would vote for ONE of these candidates.


Gary Johnson

Jill Stein

Click on the link below for:

All 2016 Candidates for US President

Write ALL of them down for 5 100s!!!!

Friday, September 30, 2016

US Vice - Presidential Candidates 2016

For each link to the Vice Presidential candidates listed below, write or type a minimum of 5 facts about that person. This should include their position on major issues.

Tim Kaine

Mike Pence

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Participation in Government - The 2016 Vote

Please click on the following links:

Hillary Clinton Issues

Donald Trump Issues

Please type 5 facts about each candidate on any issue.

Please write your opinion about each candidate's position on the issue.

DUE: Today!

Homework: Please watch the Trump - Clinton debate tonight at 9:00!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Global II - Belief Systems Review

Go to: Judaism Images
Roman Catholicism Images 
Islam Images 
Buddhism Images 
Shintoism Images (Japan) 
 Confucianism Images

Select three of the belief systems above. Click on the link and choose 5 images for each belief system to construct a 15 - slide Powerpoint presentation.

Each slide must have 1 caption.

E - Mail all work to today.

 Image result for belief system images

ECO - How Unions Benefit Us

Go to: Benefits of Union Membership

Please write 5 facts about the benefits of joining a union.

Answer: Why would you want to join a union?

Please print all work out today.

Image result for how unions benefit employees 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Global Review: Ancient Athens Greece

Go to: Greece Picture Tour

Please construct a 15 - slide Power point with captions about ancient Greece.

Slide 15 must have an explanation of what buildings the US has that resembles those of ancient Greece.

Please e - mail all work to today.

   Image result for ancient athens images

ECO - The US Stock Market

Go to: Stock Market Facts

Please write 5 facts about the article.

Why would you want to invest in the stock market?

Please print out and hand in today.  

 The Dow Jones Industrial Average was formed in 1896.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Global II: Cambodian Genocide 1975 - 1979

Go to: Cambodian Genocide #1 
 and Cambodian Genocide #2 

Please construct a 15 - slide Power point with captions for each image. The last slide must have your opinion and reaction to this topic.

E - mail all work to when you finish today. 

 Image result for cambodian genocide images

ECO - Minimum Wage and Restaurants

Go to: Restaurants and the Minimum Wage Increase

Please write 5 facts and your opinion about how this will impact your choice of going out to eat.

Please print out all work today.

Image result for restaurants rochester ny