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Saturday, December 19, 2015

Global I Review: Ancient Greece Architecture & Monuments

Please click on: Ancient Greece Images

Please  select any of the photo collections, copy and paste in order to:

Construct a 15 slide Powerpoint on the images of Ancient Greece. 

* 14 slides will have images, while slide 15 will state where you have seen this style of architecture in the USA today.

 Ancient Greece

PIG - Carly Fiorina 2016 Presidential Campaign: Republicans

Go to: Carly Fiorina Blueprint 

Please select one issue and write 5 facts about her position.

Please state your position and why you take that stance.

Please print all work out today.

 Image result for carly fiorina

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Global II - WWI Image Gallery

Go to: WWI Images

Select one topic from the list of images.

Please construct a 15 - slide Power point with captions that shows the horrors of the war.

The last slide must state your opinion about the war if it was worth the fight.

E - mail all work to when you finish. 


PIG - Dr. Ben Carson 2016 Presidential Bid - Republicans

Go to: Ben Carson Issues 2016

Please select one issue and write 5 facts about it.

Please state your position on the issue and why  you selected that stance.

Please print out all work today.

 Image result for ben carson 2016

Friday, December 4, 2015

Global II - How to Write a DBQ Essay for the Regents' Exam

Go to: DBQ Essay

Please construct a 10 - slide Power point presentation on how to write a DBQ essay for the Regents' exam.

Include two facts from each of the sections in MAROON:
* Essay Overview. 
* Pre - Writing.
* Writing the Introduction. 
* Writing the Body Paragraphs. 
* Writing the Conclusion.

Please print out your work. You may also finish the Thematic essay Power point from last week and print that out also. 


PIG - Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign 2016 - Democrats

Go to: Hillary Clinton Issues

Please select ONE issue and write 5 facts about it.

Please state your position on the issue and whether or not you agree with Mrs. Clinton. Please state your reasons.

Please print out your work today.

 issues cover

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Global II - How to Write a Thematic Essay for the Regents' Exam

* Go to: Thematic Essay Overview

* Look over each section in maroon
1. Thematic Essay Overview
2. Pre - Writing
3. Writing the Introduction
4. Writing the Body Paragraphs 
5. Writing the Conclusion
* Construct a 10 - slide Power point that outlines how to write a thematic essay for the Global Regents' exam. Use at least 2 concepts from each section. 
*You may also copy and paste the diagrams.
* This will be printed out today FOR A GRADE and turned in for future use.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

PIG - Martin O'Malley 2016 Campaign Bid (Democrats)

Go to: Martin O'Malley and select one issue.

Write 5 facts about it.

State your opinion on the issue and evidence behind it.

Print out your work and turn it in by the end of class today.

Image result for martin o'malley

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Global II: Belief Systems Thematic Essay

1. Go to: Belief Systems

2. Using the two belief systems that you selected last week, finish the introduction of your essay.

3. Type the body of the essay. Use all evidence that you found from the link above.


Go to:  Essay Outline

This link will help you to set up the essay format. 


4. Print out all work. This is due by the end of class today.

PIG - US Presidential Campaign 2016: Bernie Sanders (Democrat: from Vermont)

1. Go to: Bernie Sanders and select one issue in his Presidential campaign.

2. Type 5 facts about the issue.

3. State your position on the issue and back it up with evidence based on your personal experience.

4. Print your work out and hand in by the end of class today. 

Image result for bernie sanders

Sunday, November 15, 2015

PIG - Monroe County, NY 911 Operations Center

1. Go to: 911 Operations Center 

2. Type 3 facts about the Monroe County, NY 911 Center.

3. Have you ever had to call 911? What was your experience? Was it handled to your satisfaction?

4. Type 3 questions that you would like to ask 911 Operations Center Mr. De Mars this Thursday.

5. Please print out your work.

 Link to 9-1-1 Incident Report.Link to Yahoo! Local Traffic Map.

Global II Belief Systems Thematic Essay

1. Please define all of the belief systems in Word Format.
Go to: Belief Systems to get your information.

2. Choose two belief systems.

3. Type out an introduction to this essay. Be sure to include a thesis statement (what will be discussed in this essay).

4. This is all due TODAY.


Sunday, November 8, 2015

PIG - Mr. Peterson Vazquez

Please click on: Peterson Vazquez 
and type 5 facts about Mr. Vazquez.

Please type 3 questions that you would like to ask him on Thursday.

Please print and hand in all work.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

PIG - Rochester Fire Department

Please click on: Rochester Fire Department

1. Type 5 facts about what firefighters do in the City of Rochester, based on the article.

2. Type 3 questions that you would like to ask Rochester Firefighter Earnest Flagler tomorrow.

3. Print your work to the 2B9 printer located at the library circulation desk and hand in by the end of class today. 

 Image result for rochester fire department nyImage result for rochester fire department ny engine 17

Friday, October 23, 2015

PIG - Monroe County Sheriff

Please go to: Monroe County Sheriff  and pick 1 of the links.

Type 5 facts about the news articles that you selected.

Type 3 questions that you like to ask Sheriff's Deputy Resch on Wednesday.

Please print all of this information out by the end of the period today.


Friday, October 16, 2015

PIG - Election 2016 Part I Jim Webb

Please go to Jim Webb Issues Select 1 issue and write 5 facts about it.

Type your opinion about Mr. Webb's views on that issue and whether you agree or disagree.


E - mail your work to:


Friday, October 9, 2015

PIG - Who Represents You Pt. II

Please visit Senator Chuck Schumer
and Sen. Kristin Gillibrand    Write down 5 facts each about these U.S. Senators from New York.

As a student, which services could you take advantage of from these Senators?

Please e - mail all work to:


Friday, October 2, 2015

PIG Period 2, 4 Who Are Your Congressional Representatives (Pt. I)

Please go to Louise Slaughter 

Type 5 facts about opportunities that Rep. Slaughter (D - Rochester, NY) has for students.

Answer: Which of these would you want to explore and why?

Please send all work to: when you finish.

Dome of the US Capitol

Global II Guillotine Powerpoint

Please construct a 10 - slide Powerpoint of the guillotine.

Go to Guillotine to get your images.

Answer: How would the guillotine be a form of cruel and unusual punishment in the French Revolution?

Please send all work to when you finish.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

PIG Period 2, 4 Current Events

Please go to the following website and identify a current events topic:

Channel 10

Channel 13



Identify one news item and type 5 facts about it. Then, write your opinion and reaction to the event.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Global I Review Periods 1,5,7 - Social Sciences

Please define the following social science terms on a Word document:

Political Science

Next, complete the worksheet on the social sciences occupations.

All work is due today.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

River Valleys Global I Review

Please construct a 15 - slide Powerpoint with captions that shows the images of (select one):

1. Ancient China

2. Ancient Egypt

3. Mesopotamia

Click on: Ancient Egypt Images 
Ancient Mesopotamia Images  
Ancient China Images

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Global II - DBQ Essay

Please click on the link below to complete the DBQ essay.

Be sure to scroll down to the DBQ Essay question section.

Answer all questions on Word Format, print them out, and turn in for a grade. 

Here is the link:

ECO - Minimum Wage

Please write five facts and your opinion about the article at the link below:

Minimum Wage

Thursday, May 14, 2015

ECO Federal Reserve

Please write 5 facts and your opinion below about the Federal Reserve system. Also, please watch the video at this link.

Federal Reserve System

Thursday, April 30, 2015

College Professor Fails All Of His Students

Find out why. Go to: Professor Fails All of His Students

Write five facts and your reaction to this situation.

What steps would you take if you were enrolled in this course?

Thursday, April 23, 2015

ECO Period 5

How You Can Save Money

Please click on the link above and list the ways that YOU can save money.

Answer: Which two will apply to you? 

Friday, March 20, 2015

How Should You Use A Credit Card?

Please complete the survey at the link below:Credit Card Survey

Then, write a one - page paper on:

 How a credit card should be used.

Why a person should have a credit card.

How you can protect yourself from accumulating too much debt.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Global II - Soviet Forces and WWII

Please construct a 15 - slide Powerpoint with captions that shows how the Soviet Union fought WWII in Europe.

Go to Soviet Union and WWII for your images.

The last slide must have your opinion as to why the Soviets would eventually become an enemy of the USA during the Cold War, based on your slideshow.

Friday, February 6, 2015

ECO Period 5 Are You Amongst the World's Richest?

Please write your opinion and reaction to the article at this link: Are You In the World's Richest?

How can you achieve the goal of being one of the world's richest people?

Thursday, January 15, 2015

PIG Final Exam Review

Please go to US Government Questions and review for

the PIG Final Exam which begins next Tuesday.

Global II Review

Please go to Global II Regents Prep Multiple Choice and work on the multiple choice questions from:

6a -  Scientific Revolution to

7c  - Between World Wars


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Global II - The Soviet Gulag

Please construct a 15 - slide Power point presentation with captions that shows the horrors of Soviet communist leader Josef Stalin's gulag prisons.

Your last slide must include your opinion about these forced labor camps.

Go to: Gulag Photos #1 and Gulag Photos #2 for the images.