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Monday, May 30, 2011

How did the first major terrorist attack against Americans occur?

Please construct a 10 slide Power point presentation with captions that shows what the terrorists did to Americans in Teheran, Iran during the Nov. 4, 1979 takeover of the U.S. embassy.
Click on: Iran Hostage Crisis 1979 - 1981 and also 30 years later.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Arrow and Cell Phone Incident - Read All About It!

Please write three facts about the article.

Then, write your opnion and reaction to what this girl did.

Click on: Cell Phone Incident

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What factors cause the Energy Crisis in the US during the 1970s?

Please complete a 10 slide Power point presentation with captions that shows the causes of the 1970s Energy Crisis in the USA.

Click on: Energy Crisis #1 and also: Energy Crisis #2

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dunkin' Donuts Trashed in Manhattan

Please write three facts about the article about what these individuals did in Dunkin' Donuts.

Then, write your opinion and reaction to these actions. Click on: Donuts

Monday, May 23, 2011

How did the Watergate Scandal show how our Constitution worked?

Please construct a 10 slide Power Point show with captions that shows how the US Constitution worked during the Watergate Scandal of 1972 - 1974.

Click on: Watergate #1 and also Nixon/Watergate #2

Friday, May 20, 2011

Woman Pulls Sword At A Pizza Hut

Please write three facts using the article about what this woman did at a Pizza Hut.

Next, write your opinion and reaction to the crime she committed.


Current Events: Mississippi River Floods!

Please construct a 10 - slide Power point presentation with captions that shows how the destruction caused by the Mississippi River floods.

Answer: What would you do to protect your property from the floods?

Click on: Mississippi River Floods

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Man Marries 107 Women, Has 185 Children

Please write three facts about this man based on the article.

Next, write your opinion and reaction to what this man has done.

Click on: Man-marries-107-women-fathers-185-children

Monday, May 16, 2011

US Debt Clock

Based on the US Debt Clock, write three facts about the current US debt.

What can be done to reduce our debt?

Click on: US DEBT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What impact did the major events of 1968 leave on the United States?

Please construct a 10 slide Power Point with captions that illustrates the major events in the USA during 1968.

Click on: 1968!!! 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cool Videos To Watch!!!

Please write three facts about each video.
Then, write your opinion and reaction about each video.

Click on: Tornado! and then: CRAZY!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why did Americans protest against the Vietnam War during 1964 - 1973?

Please construct a 10 slide Power point presentation with captions that shows why some Americans were against the war in Vietnam.

Click on: Anti - Vietnam War Protests and also More Protests

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What?!! No Bank Bag?

Please write three facts about this case. What should happen to this would - be robber?

Click on: No Bank Bag

Monday, May 9, 2011

For what reasons did the United States fight in the war in Vietnam (1954 - 1975)?

Please construct a 10 slide Power Point with captions that shows how and why the USA fought in Vietnam.

Click on: Vietnam War

Woman Draws Beard On Her Face And Robs Gas Station

Please write three facts about the robbery involving a gas station and a woman who drew a beard on her face to rob it.
What should be the consequence for her action?
Click on: Gas Station Robbery

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why did race riots erupt in the inner cities of the USA in the 1960s?

Please construct a Power point presentation with captions that shows why race riots occurred in the inner cities, including Rochester, NY in the 1960s.
Click on: Rochester NY Race Riot 1964
Click on: Detroit Race Riot, 1967

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Man Calls 911 Over Crack Deal

Please write three facts about the case involving this man. Then, write your opinion and reaction to what he did. Click on: Bad Crack Deal

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

In what ways did Malcolm X have an influence on the Civil Rights Movement?

Please construct a 10 - slide Power point on the life of Malcolm X and how he influenced the US Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s.
Click on: Malcolm X

Monday, May 2, 2011

Student Tased Over Saggy Pants

Please write 3 facts about this case.
What should happen to the police involved in this case?
Click on:TASER!

US Kills Osama Bin Laden

Please make a 10 slide Power Point with captions about the killing of Al - Qaeda chief Osama Bin Liden.