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Monday, January 31, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Restaurant Serves Lion Meat in Tacos

Exotic: One of Boca Tacos y Tequila's entrees. The restaurant is set to start serving its lion tacos by February 16

Please answer the 5W's sheet based on the article: Lion Meat Tacos
Answer: Would you eat this food? Why or why not? Use the back of your sheet.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How did the rise of the Radio in the USA affect life in the 1920s?

Please construct a Power point that shows how the radio changed American life in the 1920s. Go to:Radio in the 1920s

This is Part I of your midterm project grade. If you do not complete this assignment, your grade for this marking period will PLUNGE! Do a good job!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How did Prohibition affect American life in the 1920s?

You will be constructing a 5 - slide Power Point that shows how American society was affected by the ban of the production and sale of alcoholic beverages in the 1920s. Go to: Prohibition 1920s
Also, go to: Prohibition videos

Monday, January 17, 2011

APHG Language Project - DUE January 20, 2011

Time for a Power Point activity on languages!

Go to I Love Languages. Select two languages from the list. One must be a language that you are familiar with, and one must be a language that you never heard of.

You will construct a 20 - slide Power point presentation that covers the following concepts:

1. Has a minimum of one map that displays where the 
    languages are spoken.
2. Identifies the language family, language group,
    language subfamily.
3. Whether or not the languages are an official language.
4. Do the languages contain a dialect or lingua franca? If
    so, how do these differ from the standard form of the
    langauges? Please use EXAMPLES!
5. Do the languages contain an isogloss or contain
    examples of a toponymy?
6. Have the languages been creolized? Examples?

This grade will count as a test. If you would like to present your project, you will get an additional 100!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Construct a 5 slide PowerPoint presentation that illustrates how "Flappers" (young women in the 1920s) reflected the times.FLAPPERS!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

What conditions did US soldiers face in WWI (1917 - 1918)?

US soldier wearing a gas mask. Why is he wearing it?

Construct a Power Point presentation that illustrates the horrible conditions that our soldiers faced while in combat in Europe during World War I. Label the images!!!

US History Project - DUE TUESDAY, JANAURY 18, 2011.

Select one topic that we have discussed since September. The topics range from:
Colonial America through Jim Crow Laws.

These also include George Washington, the Constitution, the Civil War, immigration, industrialization, Presidents.
You are not limited to these topics.

How did the topic that you selected make an impact on our nation's history?

You may choose one format:
1. Construct a 10 slide Power point with
2. Make a poster with images.
3. Write a poem.
4. Write a four page essay on the topic 
    that answers the above question.
5. Perform a song.
6. See Mr. Amico about any other format.
Please make sure that you write a one page summary that answers the question above if you choose not to write an essay.

This counts as a test grade - twice!
If you choose to present you project to the class, it is an addtional 100%!!!!

Have fun!!! - Mr. Amico.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Jane London/Handout

What caused this river to turn green?
Click on Victoria River and answer the 5W's worksheet and hand in.


Define the terms listed below. Use the worksheet.
Folk and Popular Culture
Adaptive strategies
Anglo – American landscape (characteristics)
Architectural form
Built environment
Folk culture
Folk food
Folk house
Folk songs
Material culture
Nonmaterial culture
Popular culture
Survey systems
Traditional architecture

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Shopping Mall Madness

Please click on the link:Mall Madness!
Answer the 5W's sheet and turn in. Write your opinion of the incident on the back of the sheet.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The "spark" that caused World War I

The assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria - Hungary on June 28, 1914 led to the outbreak of the First World War. Construct a PowerPoint that answers the questions:

1. Who shot the the Archduke?
2. Why was he murdered?
3. Where was he murdered?
4. Who else was murdered along with the Archduke?

Please turn in your work when you are finished. You may begin the homework assignment.